BB8 Eyeball
Okay, this is geeky as Hell and I admit this is weird but I am a guy who likes geeky and weird. I made a photo of a BB8 toy droid. (For you non Star Wars people — BB8 is a robot tied to the Star Wars franchise.)
Then I cut the head off and super-imposed it on the droid’s body. THEN I made a computer generated piece of AI Art that is based on words like “galaxy” “eyeball” “black hole” “eyelash” etc., then I composited the BB8 droid photo inside the “eyeball” and this is what I came up with.
I don’t even know if I like it — but I do think it’s weird and it’s new and it is a great way to expand how I SEE things.
I went for wild and got it.
I can say one thing for sure — of all the BB8 images out there — mine will at least be unique.
One more thing — if you’re looking for a time suck — this is your sign. I spend so much time messing with this new AI technology that hours seem to pass like minutes but I guess that means I am having fun.
Remember, toys are joy.
For a list of my toy photo gear and props go to:
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