How To Be A More Happy & Successful Photographer
(This applies to all types of photography…)
What role does hope play in photography? If you think about it — hope may be one of the most important factors in photography. Every time we grab a camera and set out to make photographs, we HOPE we’ll end up with something good — something that matters.
But thanks (in my opinion) to social media, hope is in short supply. Social media has amplified fear, anger, tribalism, etc. So as photographers, we have have what I consider to be a sacred duty — to interject some hope and some of the joy that comes with it back into the conversation.
While the world has become an ugly place and people are divided by just about everything, we do not have to let those who sell tribalism win the war. We need to put a smile on our face, fill our heart with hope (regardless of what the circumstances may be) and go out there to spread love with our photos.
But that starts with us — it’s UP to us.
My pal Rick Sammon likes to quote another famous photographer (Freeman Paterson) when saying, “The camera looks both ways.” If you’re walking around with a frown on your face, I guarantee you that your images are simply not going to be as good as they would be if you were smiling.
Being happy is a choice. There are tools you can use to help you be happier, and since I want to help everyone smile (and therefor make better images,) I have 10 tips for becoming a happier (and more successful photographer.) Here you go:
1. Eliminate as many negative influences from your life as you can. That friend who is always negative? Excuse yourself when that behavior is on display. That camera club where everyone grouses about how bad photography is these days? Quit going. That online forum where all they do is cut down other people’s work? Stop reading it. Avoid consuming too much television or talk radio. Don’t argue with people. By eliminating negative influences from your life you’ll find yourself more positive. It’s just common sense.
2. Stop comparing yourself or your gear or your work to anyone else. Just stop it. It’s one of the most unhealthy and destructive things you can ever do. There is only one you — and that is YOU. Nobody else can do you. And likewise, you can’t be anyone else. So don’t worry about the other person and what they have compared to what you have. Just be thankful and move on. Comparison is a waste of time because even if there were a valid reason to do it, the closest you can come is YOUR OPINION of that comparison — which may be totally wrong! (In other words, don’t let your opinion of your circumstances guide your actions.)
3. Be grateful. Make a list every day, and write down something (or someone) that you are grateful for. Your camera is good enough. Your lens is good enough. Your house is good enough. Your car is good enough. It’s all good enough, and it’s all something that you should spend time being grateful for. If you manage to create this gratitude list, and populate it every single day, I guarantee you that you’ll be a happier and better photographer. (You’ll probably also come to the conclusion that you’re better off than you realized!)
4. Learn to forgive. This one is a hard one, and it took me a long time to learn, but once I did, wow it changed everything for me. I can’t tell you how much better I feel now that I have cut loose of all the grudges I used to carry around. Whatever someone did to anger or hurt you, chances are, they didn’t mean to do it or may even have no idea that they did it. Carrying anger and resentment around in your heart won’t help — it certainly won’t hurt them — but it certainly WILL hurt you.
5. Be thankful. Try to be thankful. If you spend more time counting what you DO have to be thankful for, you’ll automatically spend less time worrying about what you DO NOT have.
6. Stop chasing fame, fortune or money. My grandfather used to say, “Scottie — don’t chase money — because if you do, you’ll never find it. Instead, chase your passion and the money will find YOU.” He was right. Success is something we all measure differently, but if you think that being a “success” will make you happy, I can guarantee that you’ll never find ENOUGH success to pull that off.
7. Photograph what you love. Do something meaningful with your talent. Believe in your own artistic vision and serve that. Challenge yourself to do something that makes the world more beautiful. If you spend your time doing this, you won’t have time to worry so much about yourself and your own perceived problems.
8. Be generous. Do you know a beginning photographer who you could help with a few free lessons? Can you afford to give money or time to charity? How about being willing to loan someone less fortunate than you a camera lens for their next trip? Maybe you can set up a free portrait session for a family in need. Finding someone to help will focus your energy outwardly, which stops it from looking inward.
9. Smile. It sounds too good to be true, but if you smile, your personal relationships will improve and so will your attitude.
10. Show some appreciation. Spend time (hand writing) and sending thank you cards to people who have improved your life or made you happy in some way. If you know someone who’s worked hard on something that benefitted you, take time to call them and personally thank them — or go see them, shake their hand, smile and express genuine thanks for their time. You’ll feel better once you do, and that will make you happier.
In closing — I can sum most of this up simply by saying the following — think of yourself less, and others more — if you can put this into practice your life will improve, and so will your photography. It’s counter-intuitive, but if you want a happy life, put others and their needs, wants and desires ahead of your own.
Here’s hoping something I wrote here makes your day a little bit better. That would make mine a whole lot better. Thanks for reading.
Remember, toys are joy.