Toy Photography — Just For Fun
It’s taken me a while to get used to making photographs JUST FOR FUN. Unlike many people who get into photography, my first job was as a professional photographer. I got my first gig when I was a teenager and I’ve been using a camera professionally ever since.
A combination of the pandemic and my age and my declining health caused me to retire from my last job — i.e., professional bird and wildlife photographer. I spent more than 30 years doing just that part of the job. I am a lucky guy. I got to make a living doing something I love.
Most people TURN pro. They start as serious amateurs. Attend some workshops. Take some online training. Get lots of practice. Become proficient and at some point, decide they want to make photography their career.
I’m just the opposite. It’s always been my job. So I had to learn how to make photos JUST FOR FUN.
Believe it or not, it took some adjustment.
In the old days, when I was working, I had a simple rule. As I would raise my camera to my eye and place my finger on the shutter button, I would subconsciously ask myself. . . “Who’s going to pay for this photo?” If I couldn’t articulate (with specificity) the WHO — I put my camera down and didn’t make the photo.
When I went on vacations (I have taken very few in my life — mostly in my later years) I wouldn’t bring any camera other than my iPhone. I mean think about it — does your barber go on vacation to cut hair?
I had to change my mindset and I think as I have been able to take a look at photography from a different angle (See what I did there?) I have come to realize that JUST FOR FUN really is FUN!
I have struggled with how to put this into words and am not sure I am doing a very good job here, but I’m trying to convey that photography should be fun. It should especially be fun for amateurs. If it’s NOT fun, you’re doing it wrong!
So today’s image is just a reminder — if only to myself — that play is okay!
And I really try to legitimately PLAY with the toys I photograph. Here is an example. (It’s all in the imagination.)
I set up a scene where it looks like Grogu is playing with Boba Fett’s helmet — or maybe Grogu is using the FORCE on Boba Fett so Boba Fett will go get Grogu some frogs for supper. Or…. you get the idea.
If you’re not having fun with your photography. . . you’re doing it wrong. Go ahead and be a kid again. It’s invigorating on every level.
Remember, toys are joy.
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